Brown MAE Foundation Education Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The Brown MAE Foundation Education Scholarship is designed for undergraduate and graduate students in the U.S. pursuing careers in Education. This scholarship aims to support students from diverse backgrounds, including Black/African American, Native American/American Indian, Hispanic/Latin American, Asian, or Pacific Islander, in achieving their academic and professional goals in education.

Scholarship Details

  • Open to students pursuing a career in education
  • Focus on diversity, supporting students from underrepresented groups
  • Requires a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4-point scale

Eligibility Criteria

  • Undergraduate or graduate student at a 4-year U.S. college or university
  • Member of an underrepresented group with U.S. citizenship
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher

Application Process

  1. Complete the application form in black or blue ink ensuring legibility
  2. Submit an official transcript in a sealed envelope
  3. Provide three letters of recommendation on official letterhead, sealed with the recommender's signature on the flap
  4. Answer the essay prompt in three or more typed, double-spaced pages
  5. Ensure the complete application packet is received by April 30th Scholarship Search