CAT Lift Trucks Scholarship Program

January 31, 2025
Awards Available: 1

Scholarship Description

Applications are now being accepted for the Cat Lift Trucks Scholarship Program. This year the program will award a Houston area high school senior with a $5,000 scholarship toward his or her higher education in the state of Texas. Scholarship applications will be reviewed and evaluated based on academic performance, financial needs, leadership roles, community involvement and three short prompt essays. Students must plan to attend an accredited college, university or technical school within the state of Texas in the fall of the coming academic year and major in engineering or a business-related field or a technical field related to our business.

To be eligible for the Cat Lift Trucks Scholarship Program (the “Scholarship”), an applicant (the “Applicant”) must meet the citizenship, residency, academic standing, and college/university/technical school criteria set forth herein. Applicant must be a citizen of the United States and/or born in the United States and a resident of the state of Texas. If applicant’s place of birth as indicated on the scholarship application and/or transcript is other than the United States, appropriate proof of citizenship must be furnished. Students with permanent resident status are not eligible to apply. Scholarship Search