Association for Women in Mathematics Essay Contest

See Description
February 1, 2026
Awards Available: 7

Scholarship Description

To increase awareness of women’s ongoing contributions to the mathematical sciences, the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) and Math for America co-sponsors an essay contest for biographies of contemporary women mathematicians and statisticians in academic, industrial, and government careers. The essays will be based primarily on an interview with a woman currently working in or retired from a mathematical sciences career. Participation is open to middle school, high school and undergraduate students. Dollar amounts will vary.

A valid submission will contain the following information: A biographical essay of approximately 500 – 1000 words in length, based primarily on an interview you conduct with a woman currently working in or retired from a mathematical career; A short (approximately 100 words) biographical sketch of the student contestant. This biographical sketch can be written in the first person, and it should include the student’s name, grade level, school, and mathematical interests; Information about the student: student’s name; address of student (or parent); phone number or email address of student (or parent); Information about the subject of the biography. Scholarship Search