Anthony and Charlotte Kinney Scholarship

See Description
February 1, 2026
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The Anthony and Charlotte Kinney Scholarship is for graduating seniors or graduates of Pecatonica High School who are pursuing careers as teachers. Applicants must answer the essay prompt: "Taking into consideration the background and criteria of this scholarship, why are you the best candidate to receive it?" You may want to discuss your past academic or personal achievements, leadership skills, community and school involvement, or obstacles you’ve overcome.

Applicants must: Be a graduating senior from or a graduate of Pecatonica High School; Major in elementary education or middle/secondary math education; and Have a GPA of at least 3.0/4.0. Pecatonica High School graduates entering their student teaching year are eligible to apply for a larger award. Past recipients will receive preference for the larger award. Dollar amounts will vary. Scholarship Search