Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund

See Description
October 15, 2024
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The purpose of the Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund (ASPSF) is to provide supplemental financial assistance to those single parents living in Arkansas who are pursuing a course of instruction that will improve their income-earning potential. Guidelines for the manner in which the scholarship may be used are at the discretion of each scholarship provider. Dollar amounts for the scholarships will vary. Applicants must live in the state of Arkansas or in Bowie County, TX and meet the following definition of "single parent" (all 3 categories): Marital status - you're single (never married, widowed, divorced, legally separated) or you're married but living apart and your divorce will be final by the time the scholarship is awarded;

Parenting Status: You're the custodial parent or guardian with physical custody (50% or more) of at least one dependent child. A dependent child is 18 or younger, older than 18 and still in high school, or a severely disabled adult living with and dependent on you.

Living status: You're the only adult in the home with the child(ren), you live with parents or relative(s), or you live with a roommate who is not your partner, significant other, or a co-parent.

Applicants must be a legal resident of the United States (or a resident with DACA status), applying in the county where you live and have earned a high school diploma or GED and has not previously earned a bachelor’s degree. Must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and your household income is typically not more than 250% of Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Applicants must have completed or are in the process of completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (not required for DACA students or those in an approved short-term training program). You're attending or planning to attend an ASPSF approved school or training program. You're pursuing a degree or certification that leads to employment at family-supporting wages. Dollar amounts for this scholarship will vary. Deadlines will also vary, as this is offered three times a year. Scholarship Search