Students must be admitted to Boise State as degree-seeking to be considered for scholarships. By completing the admissions application and meeting the criteria listed below, you will automatically be considered for the WUE scholarships without an additional application. Scholarship recipients are notified through their admission letter. Scholarships will be made visible in the Student Center three weeks after an admissions decision has been reached.
To be considered for the WUE Award, you must be a US Citizen or permanent resident and have a permanent residence within one of the following participating states/U.S. territories: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, the Northern Marianas Islands, American Samoa, the Marshall Islands and Micronesia. You must have a 3.5 GPA from high school, and maintain a 3.0 for renewal. Deadlines vary depending on which semester you apply for. The total number of awards will vary.