The College of Letters & Science considers incoming and continuing students for scholarship opportunities created by the support of our donor friends. The undergraduate scholarships program provides support to students who intend to receive a degree from the College of Letters & Science. With over 65 majors, special degrees in Journalism; Music, Social Work; and Applied Math Engineering and Physics; the College of Letters & Science strongly supports the role of a broad and deeply educated citizenry. Letters & Science graduates use this strong foundation to flourish in their chosen careers.
For incoming Letters & Science freshmen, there is no separate college scholarship application. High school seniors interested in earning degrees from the College of Letters & Science are reviewed for scholarships with admissions application and FAFSA information. However, it is recommended that students check the WiSH site for other opportunities. Those scholarships requiring applications often contain written essays, a letter of recommendation, and résumé or profile activities. Test scores, the student record, financial aid data and recommendations (high school only) are accessed directly from the academic information system.