Progress Software Mary Székely Scholarship

March 8, 2025
Awards Available: 1

Scholarship Description

Established in 2019 to honor Progress co-founder Mary Székely (pronounced: “See-kay”), the Progress Software Mary Székely Scholarship for Women in STEM is a $10,000 four-year renewable scholarship for a Massachusetts woman, including those identifying as a woman, who plan to major in computer science, software engineering, IT and/or computer information systems. The scholarship is intended to cover tuition, fees and educational expenses while the recipient is pursuing an undergraduate degree.

The recipient of the Progress Software Mary Székely Scholarship for Women in STEM must meet the following eligibility requirements. The candidate must: Identify as a woman; Be a resident of Massachusetts and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident eligible for federal financial aid; Plan to major in computer science, software engineering, IT and/or computer information systems; Have a financial need; Be a high school senior or high school graduate who plans to enroll or is currently enrolled in an accredited university, college, community college or trade school; Have a cumulative high school unweighted GPA above 3.2 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent); Have a desire to make meaningful contributions in the fields of computer science, software engineering, IT and/or computer information systems. Scholarship Search