Updated: June 2, 2024

Scholarships for Young Aspiring Students

aspiring young student

Every year, Scholarships.com empowers undergraduate students by simplifying their search for scholarships tailored to their unique characteristics, talents, and desired academic pursuits. But we've noticed a trend: our academic scholarships often cater to high schoolers with ample academic history, facilitating easier matching and selection. So, we found ourselves wondering, what about the vibrant middle and elementary school students already eagerly awaiting their post-secondary institution courses and new educational opportunities? Well, don't worry, we've got these early birds covered with an explosion of education options!

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Scholarships for Young Aspiring Students with Approaching Deadlines

This post covers information about K-12 scholarships for children under 13 years of age and so much more! Read on to learn how you can begin preparing your young student for college.

Scholarship Opportunities for Children Under Age: The Sooner, The Better!

  1. Action for Nature International Young Eco-Hero Award
    Fostering a love for the environment in young hearts, Action For Nature (AFN), a non-profit organization, has initiated the International Young Eco-Hero Awards. This college scholarship program spotlights and rewards the individual environmental efforts of young eco-activists aged 8 to 16. Believing in the positive impact that youngsters can impart on the environment, AFN encourages them to undertake individual environmental projects. Application guidelines and tuition information can be found here.
  2. NSTA Angela Award
    A dedication to Gerry Wheeler and his lifelong commitment to science education, The Angela Award honors one young female student within grades 5–8, demonstrating a strong connection to science. The eligible awardee receives a $1,000 US EE Savings Bond or a Canadian Savings Bond equivalent. The award also extends recognition at the Teacher Awards Banquet during NSTA's National Conference. Scholarship application information can be found here.
  3. Davidson Fellows Scholarship
    The Davidson Fellows Scholarship awards prizes ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 to students who perform at a high level academically and who have completed a significant project. Applicants must be 18 or younger to compete for this generous award. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of significant work. Significant work is an accomplishment that experts in the field recognize as meaningful and has the potential to make a positive contribution to society. Davidson Fellows must be available to attend, with one parent or guardian, the awards reception and other recognition events to be held in September in Cambridge, Massachusetts. To get more details on the scholarship money reward click here.
  4. The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
    A celebration of inspiring young leaders, the Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes recognizes 25 outstanding youths annually for their significant contributions to people and our planet. Founded by author T. A. Barron in 2000 in honor of his mother, the prize recipients exhibit diversity in gender, environment, and race. To find out eligibility details click here.

We at Scholarships.com firmly believe in equal opportunities for all students and understand that an exceptional education experience begins early. Therefore, we urge younger students to explore this list of scholarships and additional scholarships to begin their journey towards a successful academic future. Don't wait until graduate school to start thinking about scholarships; start now and become a potential scholarship recipient of tomorrow!

Use our scholarship search tool to browse an online scholarship database to find one that matches your education choices.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of scholarships does Scholarships.com offer for young students?

Scholarships.com provides a variety of scholarship options for students under 13, from environmental initiatives to STEM-based competitions. Some are based on the student's passion, such as science, while others reward community service or problem-solving skills.

How early can students start applying for scholarships?

Scholarships.com believes it's never too early to start planning for your education and there are various exciting scholarships available even for elementary school children and middle school students. It's all about staying informed and seizing educational opportunities as they come.

Do these scholarships require an essay?

The requirements vary depending on the scholarship and the odds will be in your favor when you submit an amazing scholarship application packet. Some might require a compelling scholarship essay while others focus on project-based submissions or personal accomplishments. It's important to review each scholarship's individual requirements during the application process.

Is there an application deadline for these scholarships?

Yes, each scholarship has a specific deadline, and we highly encourage you to apply early and also to keep track of these dates to ensure they don't miss out on these incredible education funding opportunities.

How can these scholarships ease future student loan costs?

Receiving a scholarship can greatly reduce the need for student loans in the future which can also be a burden for the family as well.

Can parents or guardians apply on behalf of their children?

In most cases, the student that is applying is required to complete the application form and a family member may be present at the time. Parents or guardians are encouraged to guide and support their children throughout the process if the student happens to have any questions while filling out the application.