Updated: August 4, 2023

Formatting and Submitting Winning Scholarship Application Essays

formatting and submitting winning scholarship essays

Scholarships.com is here to provide you with invaluable scholarship essay tips for your college education success journey. Today, let's unlock the secrets of an often overlooked but significant part of the application process: the proper format of your scholarship essay. It may not sound as thrilling as writing the college essay itself, but trust me, the way you present your awesome ideas matters, perhaps just as much as the ideas themselves.

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The fact is the panel of educators judging your scholarship application are not only interested in the tale you're weaving; they're also keenly observing the way you express it. They are dissecting your essay outline from the font you use to the spacing of your lines, every tiny detail comes under their scrutiny. Your essay's format should seamlessly blend into the background, letting your narrative structure take center stage. Conversely, a poor essay submission format is like a discordant note that jars the reader out of your story.

The goal is to make a lasting first great impression so that your chances at winning a scholarship award are high.

If you are determined to achieve your career goals and personal goals with higher education, there is no room for error. This essay is your opportunity to showcase your achievements, life experiences, and academic performances for a chance to be gifted free financial assistance with a scholarship award.

Now, let's dive into scholarship essay tips to ensure your essay topic is strong, introductory paragraph is powerful, and personal statements outlined within a narrative structure so you can turn in an outstanding essay for the win.

Mastering the Art of Formatting an Essay on the Computer

The Right Way to Print an Essay for Mailing

Saving Your Essay for Digital Submission:

Legibility is Key!

Remember, a successful scholarship essay is about more than the story you tell. It's about how you tell it. So go out there, wield these tips like your mightiest weapons, and win that dream scholarship so you don't need to take out massive amounts of student loans!

To find scholarships that fit your academic goals click here to use our scholarship directory.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which font is recommended for a scholarship essay?

Generally speaking, sans-serif fonts like Segoe UI, Roboto, Arial, Calibri, Tahoma, or Verdana work well and are easy on the reader's eyes. These typefaces don't just elevate the aesthetic of your text, but they are also help your reader move efficiently through your thoughtful points and ideas.

Can I use fancy fonts and colors to make my essay stand out?

It's better to make your essay stand out through its content and story, rather than its colors and font. Overdoing the styling with ornate fonts and/or bright colors can be like putting a nice photo or painting in a large, gaudy frame.

Should I have someone else proofread my essay?

Absolutely! Another set of eyes can help catch errors you might have missed and provide fresh perspective. It is near impossible to catch all your own typos or grammatical errors and misspellings, so it is a good idea to ask a well-read teacher, friend or relative to read it over before you submit it.

What if the online form messes up my formatting?

Always review your essay after pasting it into the online form. Adjust as necessary to ensure it remains readable and aesthetically pleasing.