Scholarships By Age

Browse our Scholarships By Age or get matched to college scholarships you qualify for.

They say age is just a number, and when it comes to applying for scholarships, your age is just one factor that will be considered. To make the process easier, you can filter scholarships by age to ensure you qualify.

This selection is particularly handy if you’re not 18 or 19, the ages when you’re most likely to qualify for a college scholarship. Students who are returning to school after a hiatus can use the directory below to easily find scholarships that they’re eligible for, despite being older. The inverse is also true. Middle school or early high school students trying to get a leg up can find scholarships geared just for them. Scholarship Search
Age 13
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Age 18
Age 19
Age 20
Age 21
Age 22
Age 23
Age 24
Age 25
Age 26
Age 27
Age 28
Age 29
Age 30
Age Greater Than 30