Updated: April 1, 2016

College-Based Awards

The difference between getting a good job and a great job can weigh heavily on what college you graduated from. The same goes for scholarships: If you decide to further your education beyond your BA or BS, your alma mater may be able to provide significant scholarships if you elect to complete your graduate studies there as well.

Besides the actual financial perks – which can range from a few hundred dollars per semester to more than 50 percent of your total tuition cost – there are countless other benefits to returning to your undergraduate stomping grounds. You spent four or more years of your life there so you are already familiar with the campus layout, you know how registration processes work and you may even have an existing rapport with past professors who can provide a valuable "in" with instructors teaching in the graduate school. These aspects may not immediately factor into your decision-making process but they will certainly give you a leg up on students from other schools.

But back to the money...the real reason you clicked through to this page. Here are some discounts, awards and scholarships available to alumni from colleges across the country:

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