Yale Women in Economics Scholarship Program

January 15, 2025
Awards Available: 30

Scholarship Description

The Yale Women in Economics Scholarship Program offers an exceptional opportunity for High School Juniors aspiring to enhance their financial literacy skills and achieve excellence in both academic and professional spheres. Distinguished by a track record of helping scholars secure over $45 million in scholarships and grants for their higher education, the program is designed to empower and prepare students for their collegiate journey.

Key Program Highlights:

1. $2,000 Scholarship:

All selected participants are awarded a $2,000 scholarship, automatically applied to cover the program fees, providing financial support as they engage in this transformative experience.

2.Summer Workshop:

A 10-day immersive College Prep Experience with Yale Women in Economics, including a Research Project, Residential Overnight Stay, and an Admissions Visit, equipping students with valuable insights and skills.

3. Fall Workshops:

Workshops focused on essential college preparation, covering topics such as Solidifying Your College List, Crafting Your College Essay, Navigating the Application Process, and Understanding Financial Aid. These sessions guide students in making informed decisions about their college journey.

4. Spring Workshops:

Post-admission workshops delving into crucial aspects of the collegiate experience, including Understanding Your Financial Aid Package, Effective Budgeting in College, and Preparing for a Successful Transition into a 4-year College Program. By participating in the Yale Women in Economics Scholarship Program, students not only gain access to valuable financial assistance but also benefit from a comprehensive set of workshops and experiences meticulously crafted to foster personal and academic growth.

The program serves as a holistic platform, empowering young scholars to navigate the complexities of higher education with confidence and success.

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