Adam Charles Ports Foundation Scholarship

July 31, 2024
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

To be eligible for the ACP Foundation College Scholarship, you must have completed at least one year of training in any style of Martial Arts and be a resident of the State of Ohio or an undergraduate with a permanent address in Ohio. Evaluation criteria will include: Academic Achievements; Leadership Qualities; Extra Curricular Activities; Community Involvement; Martial Arts Accomplishments; Instructor's Recommendation; and a two-page Essay.

The Adam Charles Ports Foundation was founded in 2002 to honor the memory of a beloved family member and friend. The ACP Foundation offers significant scholarships to further the academic education of individuals who have trained in the martial arts. Since its inception, the ACP Foundation has awarded $535,000 in scholarships to deserving students who have trained in the martial arts. Scholarship Search