Updated: June 2, 2024

Law Scholarships

You take a break from your standardized test prep and find there's a Tom Cruise movie marathon on television. Do you identify most with his portrayal of Brian Flanagan in "Cocktail," Pete "Maverick" Mitchell in "Top Gun" or Lt. Daniel Kaffee in "A Few Good Men"? If you chose the latter, the odds are pretty good you’re already considering a career in law. But can you handle the truth…about funding your education?

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Law Scholarships with Approaching Deadlines

Becoming a lawyer requires four years of undergraduate study (no doubt filled with political science, history and communications classes), three years of law school and countless hours studying in the library, participating in moot court and cramming for the bar exam in between. Time for friends, sleep and work will be minimal but the rewards for doing so – a higher-than-average salary, a prestigious career and the knowledge that you’re working toward the greater good every day - are pretty amazing, which is why countless organizations are more than happy to provide current and prospective law students with law scholarship opportunities.

So where can you find law scholarships you can actually win? The American Bar Association is a great place to start, as are local law firms and PanHellenic organizations. Some colleges, like Yale and Northwestern, have their own database for student grants and fellowships but the only students who benefit are those applying to or already attending those schools. Scholarships.com, however, allows anyone with a profile to complete a free scholarship search and obtain other assistance in paying for school. We've listed a few law scholarships below but your search will also turn up essay scholarships, minority scholarships, scholarships for returning students and myriad other opportunities based on your unique situation. Looks like you can handle the truth after all!