Updated: January 5, 2016

Agnostic/Atheist Scholarships

Agnosticism is the belief that religious claims are impossible to prove. Agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of a higher power. Atheism is a pure disbelief in the existence of a higher power. However, just like their religious counterparts, there are scholarships for the non-religious student population including Atheists, Agnostics, Secularists, and anyone who considers themselves to be non-religious. Organizations like the Freedom From Religion Foundation have contests and wards for the free-thinkers of the world that are just as generous as those offered by religious organizations.

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Students who consider themselves agnostic, atheist, non-religious, secularists, or free-thinkers have a small list of scholarships to choose from. To view these scholarships, click the links below. For a more complete list of scholarship opportunities, religious or otherwise, conduct a free college scholarship search.