Updated: March 14, 2024

Microsoft Scholarships

Founded by one of the best-known entrepreneurs and one of Forbes' world's wealthiest people, Bill Gates is also "Harvard's most successful dropout" after founding the world's largest PC software company, Microsoft. Microsoft is dedicated to awarding college tuition scholarships each year to encourage students to pursue studies in Computer Science and related STEM disciplines. For those who are passionate about science, technology, engineering, and math, Microsoft scholarships are perfect opportunities to earn free money for college and add an impressive edge to your resume. Whether you have a talent for HTML coding, developing an app, designing a video game, or are passionate about solving community issues, Microsoft scholarships are prestigious and are large dollar awards. In today's world, computer science is a highly desirable field, with endless career opportunities. A college education is necessary to succeeds in the computer industry today, and large corporations such as Microsoft are dedicated to helping students fund their college education.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Microsoft Scholarships with Approaching Deadlines


Microsoft offers scholarships for high school, undergraduate, and even elementary school students. Some scholarships require a more advanced skill set and knowledge for computer science and coding, but some are beginner and intermediate level contests where students can learn to code with free online coding kits while potentially winning a scholarship. Whether you are advanced in coding or simply starting off, Microsoft has multiple opportunities for you!

Below are several examples of computer science and video-based scholarships. To find more related scholarships, students can conduct a free college scholarship search at Scholarships.com. Here, students are able to access information to more than 2.7 million scholarships and grants. By using their major as a search criterion, students can find awards created to help those interested in computer science and computer engineering obtain a postsecondary education.