Updated: April 1, 2016

Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program has grown in popularity over the last few years as more students see the value in a program abroad that is both prestigious and rewarding. The Fulbright Program, run by the Institute for International Education and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, looks to strengthen relations between Americans and other countries, and gets its funding from an annual appropriation from Congress. There are about 1,500 of the student awards to go around, and those awarded the State Department-sponsored fellowships are able to study, conduct research, or teach English in 140 countries. Grants are awarded in all fields and disciplines.

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U.S. Fulbright applicants must be U.S. citizens and sufficient proficiency in the host country’s language to carry out the project required. Applicants usually have at least a bachelor’s degree, although professional experience is considered. Further eligibility requirements will depend on the program you’re interested in, so make sure you do your research so that you know whether you’re a good candidate for the competitive award before applying.

Application Deadline

Deadlines vary depending on the program you’re interested in, but most fall in the summer and autumn months. The deadline for the traditional Fulbright Program for U.S. scholars is August 1st

Maximum Amount

At a minimum, Fulbright grants provide funds for international transportation, a living stipend, a small book/research allowance, and medical insurance. Some countries will also provide tuition assistance, a small dependent’s allowance, a pre-departure or in-country orientation, or other grant enhancements.