Updated: June 2, 2024

Best Dental Schools

Dental school student with model teeth

Choosing the dental school that best suits you is a challenging but crucial step in achieving your ultimate goal of becoming a dentist. With a large number of options available, it's important to consider several factors before making your decision.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Best Dental Schools with Approaching Deadlines

From Admissions to Graduation: Navigating the Journey to the Best Dental Schools

Knowing how to gain admission into these top dental schools, explore financial aid options, and understand the specialized programs they offer can greatly benefit your career prospects. If you’re considering a career in dentistry, then keep reading for our ultimate guide to the best dental schools.

What are the Factors to Consider When Choosing a Dental School?

How Can I Get Into the Best Dental Schools?

Admission into top dental schools is highly competitive, and you will be expected to meet a high standard of academic achievement to gain acceptance. Some dental schools have an incredibly low acceptance rate of 1-2%, so to get into a competitive school you must go above and beyond the admissions requirements.

However, there are several ways you can increase your chances of getting into the best dental schools, and we’ve outlined some steps you can take below:

Are There Any Scholarships or Financial Aid Options Available for Dental School?

Dental education can be costly, but various scholarships, grants, and financial aid programs are available to alleviate the financial burden associated with the cost of attendance and other educational expenses.

Here are some options to explore to help reduce the cost of dental school:

Do Dental Schools Offer Specialized Programs or Concentrations?

Many dental schools offer specialized programs and concentrations that allow students to pursue specific areas of interest. These programs deepen your knowledge and broaden your career opportunities. Some common dental specialties and concentrations include:

Specialized programs often require additional training and advanced education beyond the general dentistry curriculum, typically through a dental residency program. You will generally also be required to continue taking courses to maintain your specialization, as well as gain board certification to practice.

What are the Career Opportunities After Graduating from a Top Dental School?

Graduating from a top dental school opens up numerous career opportunities in the field of dentistry. In a 2023 report, the average salary of a dental school graduate was around $190,000, so whilst dentistry is a fulfilling and meaningful profession, it is also a pathway to a stable and financially satisfying career.

Many dental school graduates go on to pursue a fulfilling and successful career in dentistry, with some graduates choosing different paths than a traditional dentistry role.

Here are some potential career paths:

Gaining admission into a reputable dental school, completing a rigorous education program, and obtaining licensure are foundational steps to launching a successful career in dentistry.

Consider the factors mentioned above, take advantage of financial aid options, and explore specialized programs that align with your interests. Your dental education journey will bring you closer to becoming a competent and compassionate dentist, equipped to make a positive impact on the oral health of individuals and communities.

What are the Best Dental Schools in the U.S.?

In the United States, there are numerous dental schools and medical schools that educate and train aspiring dentists. Each College of Dentistry provides a quality education and practical experiences that enable students to excel in the field of dentistry. Dental school reputation is an important factor to consider when choosing the best dental school for you, along with the difference in cost of each school.

We’ve narrowed down a list of some of the most highly regarded dental schools in the U.S., but it’s important to note that this is not a comprehensive dental school ranking, and there are many other reputable dental schools across the country.

University of Michigan School of Dentistry:

University of Washington School of Dentistry:

University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry:

Johns Hopkins University School of Dentistry:

University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine:

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry:

Harvard School of Dental Medicine:

Columbia University College of Dental Medicine:

University of California, Los Angeles School of Dentistry:

University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine:

Get the Best Dental Education and Pursue Your Career Goals

Overall, these dental schools, along with many other reputable institutions across the country, provide top-notch dental education and open doors to rewarding careers in dentistry. Consider your personal preferences, location, and program offerings when choosing the best dental school for your journey.

The quality of education provided by renowned dental schools in the U.S. equips students with the necessary skills to excel in their professional journeys. Whether aspiring dentists attend one of the top-ranked dental schools or pursue education elsewhere, it is crucial to ensure the program is accredited and aligned with their career goals.