MISSION The mission of Yeshiva Gedolah Imrei Yosef is to offer students, who are proficient in the knowledge of Talmud, Halacha, and other related Judaic studies, an advanced level of Torah study. The Yeshiva does this by providing a rich Halachic, Mussar, and Ethical background in conjunction with a comprehensive program of Talmudic study and analysis. Graduates from this program will have attained a high level of proficiency in the subjects covered. This program also forms the foundation for the training of Rabbis and Teachers of Judaic Studies in general, and Talmudic discourse in particular. In our growing community, the need for such people increases from year to year. Upon completion of the course, the student will receive a First Talmudic Degree. While the Yeshiva does not guarantee employment, graduates will have acquired the ability to enter the field of Jewish Education. The Yeshiva gets inquires for our talmudim and we help in placement upon the students completion of his studies. The Yeshiva blends a Lithuanian style of learning into its Chassidic atmosphere. Not only is the study of Torah and Talmud intensive and well paced, but it is also infused with a Chassidic enthusiasm. Students explore the depths of the Talmud with the love of tradition which traces itself back to the original Spinka community of Rumania.