Zina Kumok Image Written By: Zina Kumok | Edited By: Kevin Ladd | Updated: February 16, 2025

Scholarships for Women

Key takeaways:

  • Many scholarships aim to support women and promote leadership roles. They often require applicants to demonstrate leadership skills and community involvement.
  • Scholarships often target underrepresented groups within the female population, such as women of color, LGBTQ+ women, and women in specific geographic locations or socio-economic backgrounds.
  • Many scholarships support non-traditional students, including adult learners, single mothers, and women returning to education after a break, recognizing the unique challenges they face.

Did you know women make up about 60% of all college students? It's true; female students make up the majority of college coeds, but many still struggle to afford tuition. In fact, research shows that women borrow about 10% more in student loans than men do. And with the gender wage gap still around, it’s even more important for women to minimize their student loans.

That’s where scholarships come in. They’re the best way to pay for college-associated expenses without relying on loans. But applying for scholarships can be tricky. Read below to learn more about scholarships for women and why they might be your ticket to graduating college debt-free.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Scholarships for Women with Approaching Deadlines

What are scholarships for women?

Just like they sound, scholarships for women are typically awarded exclusively to women. However, some scholarships for women may have several other terms of eligibility rules and requirements, like the Women at Microsoft Scholarship, which also includes gender-fluid and non-binary students and has several other criteria.

How to qualify for the Women at Microsoft Scholarship

Many female-oriented scholarships are given to those studying a particular major or topic, often one that is traditionally male-dominated. These scholarships are designed to attract female students to the field or make it easier for them, like the W.I.S.E (Washington Women in STEM Excel) Scholarship. This scholarship is worth $3,500. Winners can use the funds for education-related expenses.

How to qualify for the Washington Women in STEM Excel Scholarship

Some scholarships for women are very general, while others may be targeted at women who are single moms or from abusive situations.

Many scholarships will require that you be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Also, many scholarships are only available for those attending school on a full-time basis. However, some will also allow part-time students to apply.

Where to find scholarships for women

Your school is a great source for scholarships. However, that shouldn’t be the only place you look. You can create an account at Scholarships.com, input all your information and then see which scholarships fit your profile.

Also, don’t limit your search just to scholarships for women. There are many diversity-based scholarships that you might qualify for, even if they’re not explicitly only for women.

For example, if you’re a woman and part of the queer community, you can apply for the Point Foundation Flagship Scholarship. This scholarship can be renewed for up to four years total.

How to qualify for the Point Foundation Flagship Scholarship

You should also look for scholarships designed for those with specific skills, passions or career interests. If you plan to study Italian, look for awards for students who speak Italian. Set aside some time to brainstorm the unique attributes you have. You can always use the Scholarships.com Scholarship Directory to search by topic.

Remember: the more niche the award, the greater your shot of winning. While you can still apply for major big-name scholarships, you should focus your efforts on little-known awards.

How to apply for scholarships for women

One of the keys is being organized and working on scholarships ahead of time. Many students lose out on potential scholarships because they miss the deadline, don’t submit all required documents or have typos or basic mistakes in their applicatication.

Don’t underestimate how long it can take to complete a scholarship application, especially if you have to write several essays or find multiple letters of recommendation.

Never rush the essay, which is arguably the most important part of any scholarship application. No matter what your resume or transcript says, the essay can be your make-or-break opportunity. A compelling essay can override a so-so transcript, while a lazy or bland essay can negate other accomplishments.

Another major piece of advice is to always complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is your gateway to federal student loans, work-study, grants and, yes, even scholarships. Many scholarships, mostly focused on students with demonstrated financial need, will want a copy of your FAFSA. Not submitting the FAFSA can cut yourself off from many scholarship opportunities.

Frequently asked questions about scholarships for women

If you're a female athlete attending school on a partial scholarship, you can also find scholarship support outside of your school. There are many sport-specific scholarships for female students, like the Women's Metropolitan Golf Association Foundation Scholarship. This scholarship has several winners.

How to qualify to apply for the Women's Metropolitan Golf Association Foundation Scholarship

  • Must have demonstrated financial need (students must submit the FAFSA and their parent’s tax returns)
  • Must attend an accredited school (students at both two and four-year schools are eligible)
  • Must live on Long Island or within a 60-mile radius of New York City limits

While most scholarships are traditionally set aside for students attending a four-year school, there are opportunities for community college students, like the scholarship from the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation. This scholarship is worth up to $20,000 in total.

How to qualify for the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Scholarship

  • Must have demonstrated financial need
  • Must be attending Cabrillo, Hartnell or Monterey Peninsula College
  • Must be planning to transfer to a University of California school for their junior and senior year of college.
  • Must be a California resident

If you have yet to enroll in a graduate program, take the time to look for scholarship opportunities from the institution. Each school has its own scholarship inventory which can vary from bleak to generous.

Even if awards are harder to come by, female grad school students can still find scholarship opportunities, like the ESET Women in Cybersecurity Scholarship. This scholarship is worth $10,000 and two winners will be chosen.

How to qualify for the ESET Women in Cybersecurity Scholarship

  • Must have a 3.0 GPA
  • Can be an undergraduate or graduate student
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Must be interested in a cybersecurity career

If you have yet to enroll in a graduate program, take the time to look for scholarship opportunities from the institution. Each school has its own scholarship inventory which can vary from bleak to generous.