Obtaining a college education is expensive, and the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts strives to provide some financial assistance to students living in applicable Massachusetts or Connecticut counties to help them achieve their goal of graduating from college. We have over 150 different scholarship funds, and each year we give away over 1,000 individual scholarship awards. This equates to approximately $1.4 million in scholarships. Applications run from January until the last day of February, and recipients are notified between April and June.
Any student planning to enroll for the upcoming fall semester, in any year of college as an undergraduate or graduate student, and is attending any accredited post-secondary school in the United States is eligible to apply for a scholarship. Scholarships are provided for one academic year and are not automatically renewed each year. You can reapply to our program every year you are going to attend college, and the application you submit that year will be considered for all scholarships for which you are eligible.