Massachusetts Foster Child Grant Program

July 15, 2025
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The Foster Child Grant Program was funded by the Massachusetts Legislature in 2001. It provides grants of up to $6000 annually for foster children to help pay for an education beyond high school at any college or university throughout the continental United States. The grant recipient must have signed an agreement with the Department of Children and Families for care and services beyond age 18.

To be eligible for the Massachusetts Foster Child Grant Program, applicants must: reside in Massachusetts; be a US citizen or permanent resident; under the age of 25; was placed in the custody of the Department of Children and Families through a Care and Protection Petition; has completed FAFSA; not in default of any loans; in compliance with Selective Service; has signed a voluntary agreement with the Department of Social Services establishing terms and conditions for receiving such aid; and is enrolled full time (at least 12 credits or its equivalent) at a college/university in the US. The number of awards will vary. Scholarship Search