Robert L. Schulke Memorial Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The Robert L. Schulke Memorial Scholarship is awarded to residents of Alpena county who are cancer survivors or have been touched by someone in their life who has fought cancer. Special consideration will be given to those students enrolled in a health occupations or criminal justice program. Candidates must be enrolled at Alpena Community College (ACC) for a minimum of six credit hours per semester and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. Scholarship awards are applied to the student’s account in equal amounts over the fall and spring semesters. If the scholarship recipient does not attend ACC for the fall semester, the scholarship offer will be forfeited.

The ACC Foundation offers numerous scholarships funded by individuals, service clubs, corporations, and foundations to provide financial assistance to ACC students who meet the criteria established by the scholarship donors. In order to qualify for a scholarship, you must first apply for admission to the College and your Student Aid Report (S.A.R.) must be on file in the Registrar's Office. Scholarship Applications open in the beginning of January and are due in March each year. Offers are applied to the following fall semester. Scholarships are also available to returning students. Scholarship Search