Alabama Golf Course Superintendents Association Scholarship

October 14, 2025
Awards Available: 1

Scholarship Description

The goal of the Alabama Golf Course Superintendents Associations Scholarship Program is to support future golf course superintendents in their educational needs. The Alabama Golf Course Superintendents Association is committed to awarding a turfgrass scholarship annually to this purpose. The Association will award this scholarship annually during our Donnie Arthur Golf Tournament. Checks for scholarship will be payable to Bursar of recipients. If there are no eligible applicants, the Association reserves the right to designate the scholarship funds accordingly.

Scholarships are to be awarded only to current, full-time students (i.e., 12 credit hours per semester). Scholarship applicants must be enrolled in an agricultural major emphasizing turfgrass management. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 will be required. Marketing of the program is to occur through turf management advisors at universities and the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. Applications may also be obtained through the ASGCA executive secretary. The Scholarship Chairman is to recommend those candidates he feels worthy of the award to the board for final approval. Scholarship Search