Pilot Pen G2 Overachievers Student Grant

November 15, 2024
Awards Available: 1

Scholarship Description

An Overachiever is someone who goes above and beyond to make their communities and our world a better place for us all. Whether it’s an individual working outside of their 9-to-5 to improve their community or a student making a difference outside their classroom. That’s why we host the $100,000 G2 Overachievers Grant and the $15,000 G2 Overachievers Student Grant.

This year, Pilot will once again award exceptional overachievers by awarding two generous grants. To submit yourself or someone you know for either the $100,000 G2 Overachievers Grant or $15,000 G2 Overachievers Student Grant, simply fill out the form below and submit 1,000 to 2,000 handwritten words explaining how you or they go above and beyond to improve the lives of others and positively impact the larger world.


  • Must be a US citizen or legal resident of the United States
  • Must currently attend middle or high school
  • The Nominee must be on the honor roll at his/her school according to their school’s performance grading system
  • Must between the ages of 13 through 19
  • Participant must nominate someone with whom they are personally acquainted
  • Participants may nominate themselves as a Nominee; however, each participant may submit only one (1) nomination


  • Participants must describe in 1,000 – 2,000 handwritten words why they the Nominee to be an Overachiever Student. The Nomination Story must address each of the following:
    • Why do you believe the Nominee to be an Overachiever Student, meaning one who has made a difference in their community outside of their everyday duties?
    • How has the Nominee improved the lives of others?
    • What is the Nominee’s overall goal for this passion?
    • What is the biggest challenge currently facing the Nominee?
    • What are the measurable results from the Nominee’s actions?
    • What is the name, address and contact information of the Nominee and the Nominee’s school?
  • Participants do not need to answer the questions in order or repeat each question prior to responding.

All Nomination Stories must be handwritten. Nomination Stories that are not handwritten by Participant or Participant’s authorized representative will be void and the nomination will be disqualified from the Contest. Individuals with disabilities rendering them unable to handwrite a Nomination Story should contact the Sponsor via email in order to request accommodation.

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