Summer and school didn’t couple well in middle school, but now, well, they may not be the worst choice. With the exception of some lucky individuals, most college students spend at least a part of their summer working. Adding a class or two to one’s schedule won’t ruin what wasn’t paradise in the first place. While summer classes do require additional work, they are a sensible option for many. Here are some reasons why off-season classes may be worth the effort:
- Burnout among college students is an overly familiar complaint during the school year. Students who lessen their yearly grind by taking just one or two classes in the summer may find their nerves less worn, their social life more vibrant and their remaining classes more enjoyable when the fall semester rolls around.
- Grades are much more difficult to maintain when students are overwhelmed by a large number of classes. With fewer assignments to take care of, those who pick up a new class will have more time throughout the year to concentrate on all subjects.
- Learning is an important component of college. Classes are certainly stepping stones to a future career, but they should also be, to some extent, enjoyable. Many students select their majors based on interests, but too much work can take the enjoyment out of learning new things. A more relaxed approach to classes during the year will allow students to retain their knowledge and enjoy the process of acquiring it.
- Tuition is becoming an increasingly heavy burden on college students and their families. By taking a few summer classes, students may be eligible to graduate earlier than expected. Yes, summer school is not free, but staying in college for an additional semester because you are one class short of graduation can be frustrating. More importantly, completing school more quickly will allow students who struggle financially to enter the job force earlier. While this may not be the optimum option for many, students who deal with heavy debt can benefit from a full-time income.