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We've all heard the phrases, "man up" or "be a man," but what exactly does it mean to be a man? Through the Margaret Cuninggim Women's Center, Vanderbilt University will host "Healthy Masculinities Week." There will be a series of lectures and discussion panels to educate males on the politically correct way to be masculine. Other discussions will include: "Maintaining Bro Status" which investigates issues of masculinity and mental health as they pertain to fraternities, "Masculinity XXL" which addresses the flawed portrayal of manhood in Magic Mike XXL, and "Policing Masculinity in the Gay and Bi Communities."
The event flier depicts a shadowed male and his thought bubble, which houses keywords such as "don't cry," "man up," "have sex," "play sports," and "major in business." The intent of the program is to critically explore "how boys and men are pressured to behave…to consider that sometimes masculine norms harm men who aren't always taught that emotional vulnerability, cooperation, and sensitivity are valuable human traits." The event will be started with "The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt [Women] and How All Men Can Help," featuring author Jackson Katz. However, not everyone supports women teaching men how to be better men - especially when hosted by a strongly feminist organization, as evidenced by mrcTV.
Do you believe this event would promote better understanding of the social normative surrounding masculinity, as hosted by the Women's Center? Also, if you have a passion for women studies, sociology, anthropology or the like, see how much free money you can earn in scholarships for your high education dreams.