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As we celebrate national holidays by honoring and remembering those who served or died while serving our country, or celebrating our independence, we explore what it means to be American. In light of this, we've come up with a list of scholarships for Americans, based on a variety of criteria. Here you'll find free college scholarships for American citizens, college scholarships for ethnic-Americans, free college scholarships for veterans/military scholarships, and more! If you're proud to be an American and believe in the American dream - whatever that may entail, then check out these patriotic college scholarships for 2017 and help fund your American dream:
Scholarship Application Deadline: July 8, 2017
Maximum Scholarship Award: Varies
Scholarship Application Deadline: July 31, 2017
Maximum Scholarship Award: $1,000
Scholarship Application Deadline: August 29, 2017
Maximum Scholarship Award: $1,000
Scholarship Application Deadline: October 31, 2017
Maximum Scholarship Award: $31,000
Scholarship Application Deadline: November 11, 2017
Maximum Award: $500
Scholarship Application Deadline: November 17, 2017
Maximum Scholarship Award: $1,000
Scholarship Application Deadline: November 18, 2017
Maximum Scholarship Award: $1,000
Scholarship Application Deadline: Varies
Maximum Scholarship Award: Varies