Picking up a part-time job at the shoe store in the mall might not have felt like an important career move at the time. But on top of the extra cash and discounted footwear, you can also bring home $3,000 a year in scholarship money. Two Ten Footwear offers a renewable college scholarship to students who excel academically, demonstrate financial need, and work in footwear, leather, or other allied industries. If you're a high school senior or undergraduate student and you've spent at least 500 hours in 2008 helping people choose between ballet flats and stilettos and searching the back room for one last pair of size 7 sneakers, you may be eligible for this week's Scholarship of the Week.
Scholarship awards of up to $3000 renewable for up to four years, plus one award of $15,000 per year, also renewable for four years
Applicants must be U.S citizens who have worked in footwear, leather, or allied industries for at least 500 hours in 2008, or the children of employees who have worked in qualified professions for at least two years. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need, determined by completing the FAFSA. Students attending or planning to attend an accredited two or four-year college, university, nursing or vocational/technical school are welcome to apply.
February 16, 2009
Required Material:
Completed online scholarship application and supporting materials submitted on the Two Ten Footwear website.
Further details about the application process can be found by conducting a free college scholarship search on Scholarships.com. Once the search is completed, students eligible for this scholarship award will find it in their search results.