Patrick and Eileen Smyth Endowed Scholarship

February 1, 2026
Awards Available: 1

Scholarship Description

To be eligible for the Patrick and Eileen Smyth Endowed Scholarship, applicants must: have a 3.0 GPA; and either be students intending to participate in a Cal Poly approved for-credit Study Abroad Program located in any of the twenty-six counties of the Republic of Ireland and/or the six counties of Northern Ireland, or be international students intending to attend Cal Poly who are Irish Nationals. Preference will be given to Irish students who are traveling abroad to study at Cal Poly (rather than already living in the U.S.). Preference is for students with financial need.

Brian Smyth established the Patrick and Eileen Smyth Endowed Scholarship, with the purpose of alternately 1) fulfilling the missed opportunity with Courtney by providing financial assistance for a Cal Poly student to immerse themselves in the literature, culture, and history of Ireland attending an accredited institution in either the 26 counties of the Republic of Ireland and/or the six counties of Northern Ireland; and 2) providing financial assistance for an Irish national student to attend Cal Poly SLO so as to experience the love that Courtney had for Cal Poly, SLO, and the sunshine of the California Coast and the opportunities in the USA that the Smyth family benefited from. Scholarship Search