Cal Grant Competitive Awards

See Description
March 4, 2025
Awards Available: 13000

Scholarship Description

This is a competitive award and limited to 13,000 awards each academic year. To be considered for the award, you must meet the general Cal Grant eligibility requirements and complete a FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application. Only students who are not awarded a Cal Grant Entitlement award can be considered. The scoring components are: GPA, parent education level, access equalizer, student or parent household status, family income and household size. Only the students who get the top 13,000 scores will receive an award. To receive this award, students must submit their fiancial aid information by the first deadline and the application by the second due date. Dollar amounts will vary.

Students are encouraged to create the WebGrants for Students account to manage their Cal Grant award. Students are selected for this award based on a score that is generated from information obtained from their FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application, and their GPA. Cal Grant A is for low to middle income students with 3.00 High School GPA minimum, or 2.40 College GPA minimum. May be used for a program that is at least two academic years in length resulting in an associate or baccalaureate degree of 48 semester units or the equivalent and can only be used for tuition and fees. Cal Grant B is for low income students with a 2.00 High School and College GPA minimum and may be used for a program that is at least one academic year in length resulting in an associate, baccalaureate degree or certificate of at least 24 semester units or the equivalent. Offers an award amount to assist with tuition and fees with an additional annual Access Award amount to assist with living expenses. Scholarship Search