MISSION AND PURPOSE: Rabbinical College Ohr Yisroel aims to transmit the chain of Jewish learning and career advancement in an environment where education is personal, yet rigorous and challenging. Rabbinical College Ohr Yisroel strives to temper the intense learning schedule with various outlets and activities, offering the students an opportunity to unwind. The Yeshiva defines its purpose as teaching students Torah learning skills in order to nurture creative scholarship and provide the community with Talmudists, scholars, and well educated laymen. We identify the following specific mission elements: 1. Train students in the study and analytical study of the classic texts of Judaism. Foster reasoning skills, proficiency in textual analysis, the capacity for legal analysis, and deftness in the application of advanced logic to techniques of argumentation. 2. Enable students to gain knowledge and skills for service careers as Yeshiva teachers, educators, and lecturers, in a wide range of formats. 3. Provide students with the education for pursuing advanced rabbinic degrees that will develop into higher degrees in teaching or practical rabbinics. 4. Inculcate in the student a strong moral awareness by fostering an ethical sensibility through the stud of Mussar, devotional texts, and Talmudic Aggadata. 5. Foster in the student an introspective spirit, an awareness of the life of the mind and its encouragement. Cultivate a sense of awe and curiosity about life, and a desire to contemplate the central questions about man's purpose and his pursuit of the good. 6. Train those with exceptional gifts for higher research in Talmud.