Fisher College Esports Scholarship

See Description
December 30, 2025
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

Fisher College offers scholarships to prospective participants in its esports program, with eligibility for these scholarships determined by various essential criteria, including Rank/Skill Level, Financial Need and Academic Performance.

Scholarship Details

  • Scholarships are available for all esports roles.
  • Scholarship recipients must attend required meetings and commitments related to their role.
  • Full-time enrollment and good academic standing are required to participate in the Fisher College esports program.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 and full-time course enrollment.
  • Meet academic and program-specific responsibilities.
  • Applicants must demonstrate skill, passion, and commitment to an esports-related role.
  • Display strong teamwork and dedication to contributing to the esports program’s success.

Application Process

  1. Identify the esports role(s) you are interested in, such as player, manager, or content creator.
  2. Prepare materials showcasing your qualifications.
  3. Complete the scholarship application form.
  4. Submit the required documentation.
  5. Await a decision from the scholarship selection committee, and be prepared to meet additional program commitments.

At Fisher College, we provide a balanced and supportive environment for our players, where talent, commitment, and academic success go hand in hand, allowing our students to excel both in the gaming world and their educational journey. Scholarship Search