Bernard Harris Scholarship

March 31, 2025
Awards Available: 4

Scholarship Description

The Bernard Harris Scholarship was established to encourage minority students to pursue college degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. Four scholarships for two boys and two girls will be awarded to two Black and two Hispanic students currently completing their senior year of high school in a member district of the Council of the Great City Schools. Applicants must be accepted for full-time enrollment at a four-year college or university in the next academic year and pursuing a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM). Applicants should have at least a 3.0 GPA.

The Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) brings together many of the nation’s largest urban public school systems in a coalition dedicated to the improvement of education for children in the inner cities. The Council and its member school districts work to help our schoolchildren meet the highest standards and become successful and productive members of society. The organization also helps to build capacity in urban education with programs to boost academic performance and narrow achievement gaps; improve professional development; and strengthen leadership, governance, and management. Scholarship Search