Renate W. Chasman Award

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Scholarship Description

The Chasman Award was established in 1986 to encourage women to pursue careers in the science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The award honors the memory and scientific contributions of Renate Chasman (1932-1977), a noted physicist at Brookhaven Lab. Her work significantly influenced the design of electron particle accelerators around the world, including Brookhaven’s NSLS and its successor, NSLS-II.

To be eligible for the award candidates must be: Graduate women students at an accredited educational institution; Performing research at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics); Candidates receiving their graduate degree before May of the competition year are not eligible. The award application process opens at the beginning of the calendar year and the winner is announced in spring. The awardee will be invited to present their research work at a meeting hosted by Brookhaven Women in Science.

Before starting the application process make sure that you have the following information: Graduate course transcript (official not required) and CV including list of publications, list of presentations in conferences, and awards and honors that may highlight your academic credentials or any other useful information that highlights your involvement to benefit the community – one combined pdf; Personnel statement (max 2500 characters); Description of research (max 2500 characters); Name and e-mail address of one professional reference who will provide a recommendation letter that should address the student’s academic strengths and career potential. Scholarship Search