HBCU Week x FOSSI STEM Scholarship

January 31, 2026
Awards Available: 151

Scholarship Description

We're looking for students interested in making an impact and innovation through science, engineering, and math. Check the list of preferred STEM majors below. If you're pursuing one of them, apply for FOSSI. Preferred STEM majors are identified on a yearly basis by FOSSI administrators based on relevance to the chemical industry and supporting sponsor preferences.

Scholarship Details

  • Total Scholarship Amount: $40,000
  • Supports students pursuing STEM-related degrees at HBCUs
  • Includes internship opportunities, leadership training, and mentoring

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident
  • High school seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (unweighted)
  • Planning to enroll in an HBCU as a freshman
  • Pursuing a STEM major related to the chemical and engineering industry (see preferred majors below)
  • Must demonstrate financial need

Application Process

  1. If you aspire to make a positive impact through science, engineering, or math and plan to attend an HBCU, the FOSSI scholarship is your opportunity.
  2. Check the list of preferred STEM majors, including Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Environmental Science, and more.
  3. Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria mentioned above.
  4. Submit your scholarship application, including all required documents, by the specified deadline.

You can become an alternative energy innovator, a clean-water crusader, or a sustainability superhero. The possibilities will amaze you! Apply today and learn more about what you can do with an undergraduate STEM degree in chemical engineering, chemistry, and related fields.

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