The Robert B. Oliver ASNT Scholarships

January 31, 2026
Awards Available: 3

Scholarship Description

The ASNT Robert B. Oliver Scholarship is a $2,500 award given to recognize an undergraduate, associate or post secondary student working toward a degree in nondestructive testing or nondestructive evaluation (NDT/NDE). The scholarship is awarded to the student submitting the best original paper on nondestructive testing. The paper should cover an original concept in NDT and may be based on practical experience, laboratory work or library research. A maximum of three awards is presented each year. Students applying for the scholarship must be officially enrolled in a US associate degree or certificate program.

Application packages must include the following: a completed Application Form; the original copy of the student’s paper (limited to 5,000 words and a maximum of 10 illustrations); the curriculum of student, showing classroom hours of NDT course work (may attach school’s published curriculum if available); a transcript of grades showing all of student’s completed course work; and a letter from an instructor or school official verifying the student’s enrollment. Scholarship Search