James M. & Erma T. Freemont Scholarship Program

See Description
February 1, 2026
Awards Available: 11

Scholarship Description

The Freemont Foundation focuses on assisting students in their pursuit of excellence across diverse fields such as STEM and financial literacy. Each year, they grant scholarships to deserving students attending higher education institutions, having already awarded 80 "Freemont Scholars" in the first ten years. Additionally, they have partnered with Ramsey Education to introduce financial literacy into the curriculum of three metro-Atlanta middle and high schools. The James M. and Erma T. Freemont Foundation continues to carry forward Dr. Freemont's dedication to education and service, leaving an indelible impact on the lives of countless individuals.

The Freemont Foundation Scholarship Program is available to graduating high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students. Selected from a nationwide pool of applicants, qualified recipients will become Freemont Scholars. The applicant must be a graduating high school senior who plans on attending an HBCU or an undergraduate student who currently attends an HBCU). Graduate students who are pursuing a health and medical science degree are eligible to apply. High school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate student applications require that students be U.S. citizens, and they must include transcripts and two letters of recommendation in their application. Dollar amounts for the scholarships will vary.

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