Matthew Nicosia Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

Matthew Nicosia scholarship has enthusiastically decides to support the future generation of talented students by offering a scholarship to qualified applicants pursuing academic degrees. Our team has designed this essay contest based scholarship to alleviate the financial costs associated with their campus-based degree.


Academic Pursuit:

  • Get accepted to or enrolled in a full-time program in a U.S. college or university.

International Students Welcome:

  • International students who are legally authorized to study in the United States are eligible to apply.

Application Process:

To express your commitment to hard work and determination, applicants are required to submit a compelling essay. Follow the guidelines below to craft your essay:

Essay Topic:

Title: Defining Hard Work - A Personal Perspective

Word Count: Minimum 600 words


"What is the definition of hard work to you, and what principle of hard work have you or will you apply in your life?"

Essay Guidelines:


  • Begin with a captivating introduction that introduces your understanding of hard work.

Personal Definition:

  • Clearly define what hard work means to you on a personal level.

Principle Application:

  • Share a specific principle or principles of hard work that you have applied or plan to apply in your life.

Real-Life Examples:

  • Support your essay with real-life examples or experiences that highlight your commitment to hard work.

Future Aspirations:

  • If applicable, discuss how the principles of hard work will guide your future endeavors.


  • Conclude with a summary of your perspective on hard work and its significance in your life.


Submit your essay via the specified application portal or email address by the designated deadline. Ensure that your submission meets all word count requirements and addresses the provided prompt comprehensively. Scholarship Search