Oak Wood Lodge #1444 will be awarding scholarships to worthy applicants from academic institutions who will be attending Texas institutions of higher education. The exact dollar amount of each scholarship will depend upon the size of investment income from the Oakwood Scholarship Fund. The scholarships are designed to assist individuals pursuing a post-secondary education, which provides a two or four year college program. The scholarships may be used for any bona fide school related expense such as tuition, fees, and books. Applicants need not have a Masonic connection, nor does race, creed, religion, color, sex, or national origin have any bearing in the selection process.
Recipients are selected after completing a comprehensive written application. A broad-based criteria is used in the selection process. The principal criterion is need, followed closely by service to school and community with special emphasis upon leadership roles in these areas. We are looking for those students who exhibit the greatest potential to be not only of service to their communities in the future, but also leaders in these communities. An applicant’s academic record, communication skills, and need for financial assistance are also carefully considered, as is an evaluation of the applicant by a school official. The organization, appearance, and completeness of the application are also factors considered by the selection committee. Prospective applicants who feel they meet the criteria for eligibility and selection are invited to submit applications. These applications may be obtained through the guidance department of any public high school and must be postmarked no later than March 31st of the current year for the application and all supporting materials in order to be considered by the scholarship committee.