The Eric Pardall Memorial Scholrahip

April 14, 2025
Awards Available: 4

Scholarship Description

The Eric Pardall Memorial Scholarship is a scholarship fund of North Lee Community Foundation and the Keokuk Area County Community Foundation. Every year, The Eric Pardall Memorial Scholarship is awarded to high school seniors, college students, continuing education students and students pursing a new career. The student must be pursuing studies in agriculture, automotive/diesel repair, construction, engineering, healthcare/medical/nursing or any trade. The student must live or have a permanent address in Lee County, and/or be a graduate of Central Lee High School, Fort Madison High School or Holy Trinity Catholic Schools.

The Eric Pardall Memorial Scholarship is a renewable scholarship for 4 years. Each Eric Pardall Memorial Scholarship is $2,500.00 a year for up to four years. To receive a renewal, the student must maintain adequate progress towards completion of a degree and submit a Renewal Eric Pardall Memorial Scholarship Form. Scholarship Search