Civil Air Patrol Academic Scholarships

January 15, 2026
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

Since Civil Air Patrol’s formation during the earliest days of World War II, this vigilant organization of citizen Airmen has been committed to service to America. Founded on Dec. 1, 1941, to mobilize the nation's civilian aviation resources for national defense service, CAP has evolved into a premier public service organization that still carries out emergency service missions when needed — in the air and on the ground. The Civil Air Patrol offers numerous scholarships to interested students.

Civil Air Patrol Academic Scholarships are monetary awards used to support members pursuing their undergraduate or graduate education. In order to apply, you must be a high school senior, high school graduate or hold a GED and have been accepted to a college/school. Applicants must submit: at least one but not more than three letters of recommendation written by someone who is familiar with the cadets' accomplishments in CAP; and a resume, not longer than 2 pages, detailing any academic, community or CAP activities not addressed on previous tabs of the application. Scholarship Search