BookScouter Quarterly Book Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

BookScouter sponsors a textbook scholarship, offering a $500 award each quarter to assist students with their textbook expenses. To be eligible, applicants must be currently enrolled in an accredited university/college and complete the full questionnaire. Additionally, they are required to submit a short video (1-2 minutes) introducing themselves, stating their major, and sharing details about the most expensive textbook they have purchased. Successful applicants will participate in a short interview about themselves and their academic plans.

Scholarship Details

  • BookScouter Textbook Scholarship
  • Quarterly award of $500

Eligibility Criteria

  • Enrolled in an accredited university/college
  • Complete the full questionnaire
  • Submit a short video about the most expensive textbook purchased

Application Process

  1. Check eligibility and answer a simple question
  2. Record a video sharing details about the most expensive textbook
  3. Click "Apply" and submit the application through the provided typeform

Just taking a few minutes to record a short video could get you $500 to apply toward your college education. Take the time today and apply! Scholarship Search