Jewish Community Services (JCS) offers valuable scholarships to support Jewish high school seniors from the Baltimore Metro Area in pursuing their higher education goals at accredited U.S. colleges or universities. These scholarships encompass opportunities for students with learning disabilities and those hailing from single-parent households.
Scholarship Details
- JCS provides various scholarships, including opportunities for students with diagnosed learning disabilities and those from single-parent homes.
- Scholarship selection is competitive and considers factors such as academic achievement, financial need, community and school involvement, and letters of recommendation.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants must be Jewish high school seniors from the Baltimore Metro Area.
- Specific scholarships are available for students with a documented diagnosed learning disability and those from single-parent homes.
Application Process
- When completing your scholarship application, please indicate your Jewish heritage and specify if you are from a single-parent home and/or have a diagnosed learning disability to be considered for the relevant scholarships.
Jewish Community Services offers a broad array of services and resources to address the diverse needs of individuals, families, and communities in the Greater Baltimore Region. Jewish Community Services provides programs and services for people of all ages and backgrounds, helping them achieve their goals, enhance their wellbeing, and maximize their independence. We believe in fostering meaningful connections that promote a sense of belonging and shared purpose.