DAR Centennial Scholarship

January 31, 2026
Awards Available: 2

Scholarship Description

The DAR Centennial Scholarship is awarded to outstanding students pursuing a course of graduate study in the field of historic preservation at a college or university in the United States. This scholarship was established from a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the Centennial Pin. Applicants must be citizens of the United States and must also attend or plan to attend an accredited college or university in the United States. DAR chapter sponsorship is not required, however, applicants may want to reach out to a DAR chapter in their area for help with their applications.

Applicants must include the following items with their application: a personal statement of 1,000 words or less setting forth your career objectives, the most recent copy of your college grades, and your major must be indicated on your most recent transcript. Letters of recommendation (at least two but not to exceed four from high school or college now attending) should convey your ability, work habits, integrity, character, potential, and volunteer activities. Please include a list of your extra-curricular activities, honors received, and scholastic achievements.

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