Clemson University Out-of-State Tuition Scholarship

January 1, 2026
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

Entering Clemson University first-year students who are non-residents of South Carolina are eligible for the Out-of-State Tuition Scholarship. Domestic out-of-state students with an exceptional high school academic record will be considered for a renewable merit award. Students who show financial need through their FAFSA application will be considered for renewable grant funds as well as merit awards offered. Applicants must maintain a 3.0 GPA and 12 credits per semester for renewal. Inquire with Financial Aid for specific award amounts.

First-year recruiting scholarships are only available to incoming first-year students and are extremely competitive. These scholarships range from $500 per year to the full cost of attendance and can be renewed for an additional three years if you maintain the minimum requirements. Out-of-state students who qualify for an academic recruiting scholarship might be offered an amount that covers part or all of the out-of-state tuition differential. You will be automatically evaluated for these scholarships based on the information found in your admissions application. Scholarship Search