NJ Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Summer Internships

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Scholarship Description

The New Jersey Space Grant Consortium (NJSGC), a training grant from NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement, is pleased to announce availability of ten-week academic summer internships for undergraduate students in four-year New Jersey colleges and universities for science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM). Any full-time undergraduate student who will have completed at least four semesters of college education in a STEM, aerospace or space science field at a New Jersey university can apply. By NASA mandate, only U.S. citizens are eligible.

The internship recipients are required to present a summary of their research work during the yearly internship conference (held at the end of summer) and submit a final report (of about 1000 words) that includes a summary of their findings as well as recommendations for future work. A survey of the internship recipients indicates that approximately 75% pursue graduate work in science and engineering, with the rest joining STEM industry. Apart from completing the application, applicants must also submit a transcript, a personal statement and a recommendation letter.

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