The Law Enforcement Officers’ (LEO) Dependents Scholarship provides a waiver of tuition, fees, and room at any public college, university, or technical institute in Arkansas for dependents and spouses of Arkansas law enforcement officers, some Highway and Transportation Department employees, and other public employees, who were killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty. Undergraduates who are dependent children or spouses of persons killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty as a law enforcement officer, firefighter, forester, correctional officer, Community Punishment Department or Transportation Department employees, and teachers may apply for this scholarship. Eligible applicants must be Arkansas residents, and be a US citizen or permanent resident.
The scholarship will be awarded for one academic year and renewed annually up to three years (for a total of 8 semesters) so long as the student maintains a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale and satisfactory progress toward a degree as defined by the institution. Eligible students will receive an award notice that contains the conditions of the award, the requirements for continued eligibility, an explanation of the benefits, and the student's responsibilities. Dollar amounts will vary.