The Korea Defense Veterans Association Impact Scholarship

July 8, 2025
Awards Available: 10

Scholarship Description

The KDVA Impact Scholarship Program provides scholarships to KDVA members and their spouses, children, grandchildren (including stepchildren) to help them attain their educational goals so they can continue contributing to the ROK-U.S. Alliance and supporting our Veterans. Scholarships are awarded only for coursework from accredited, tertiary institutions (colleges and trade schools).


  • Applicant must be a member of KDVA or the spouse, child, or grandchild (including stepchild) of a KDVA member. Applicant can also be an Associate Member.
  • Applicant must be accepted into an accredited college, university, or trade school.
  • Applicant must be a high school graduate with a minimum of a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) (3.0 on 4.0 scale) in high school or college to apply.

Ten scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $5,000 each per calendar year. KDVA Membership is free.

Application materials include the application form (includes written statement of need and essay), official transcript(s), proof of matriculation at designated accredited academic institution, and list of extracurricular activities (includes leadership and community service). The essay question is “How would you start and run a KDVA Campus Club at your school?” Scholarship Search